Though I wouldn’t know it given the snow covering the trees today, spring has arrived. The Great Blue Herons have returned, the robins have paired off, scoping out best nesting spots. There are buds on the lilac trees. It’s time to de-clutter, re-arrange, and, yes, hit the gym with renewed vigor!  It’s a bright beginning. The energy and momentum of nature makes this a perfect time to visualize, plan, dream, change things that no longer serve us … and manifest what will !


In our businesses it’s time to dust things off, add living plants to our work environment, re-arrange workspaces, train and motivate staff with new energy and enthusiasm, sow seeds of possibility and success, unveil new programs and plans for growth.


In our relationships it’s a great time to try new things, to seek new experiences, new shared activities, lighter and brighter cooking recipes, to renew vows and revisit all that we love, like and appreciate in our partner … pruning what needs it and nourishing the new growth we want to see develop.


In our homes it is time to de-clutter, bring in bright flowers, throw away anything we don’t absolutely love or use, make changes to the color-scheme or decorative accents.

Remember: Physical space is mental space is spiritual space. Things we own or have around us do occupy space and attention. As we discard things we no longer need, especially when we do it with intention, we create space for something better to come into our experience.


In our hearts and minds spring is a time to envision, to reconnect with the blueprint of our lives, with our purpose, with our wishes and expectations, with that which brings us joy. A time to take risks, take on challenges, move forward, chart new territory ahead.

For each of us, this is a time to reclaim our time, our space, our dreams, ourselves.  Just as nature’s splendor reappears more vibrantly all around us it is time to prioritize, rethink, renew.


Make it a point to carve some time out of your busy schedule. Carve out time just for yourself this spring. Just for your growth. Just to envision what could be.  Just to nourish and support yourself. ‘Tis the season, and nature beckons us to do just that.

Then … if you are feeling generous (and courageous) comment here and let us know:

How do you carve out time for yourself?

What did you do? How did it go? What got in the way?