New year, new awareness
The Lunar New Year is a time of renewal, a chance to reflect on the past year and set intentions for the new one. This time is an opportunity to choose to more fully to nurture your own well-being and deepen your connection with the natural world.
Is it possible to heal the holiday rush?
A discussion of power, kindness and the possibility of healing the holiday rush with more awareness, mindfulness and presence.
Healing in late summer: Many harvests
It is no coincidence that during this time of year, late summer, we honor our ancestors, those who have come before us. In the world view of Plant Spirit Medicine healing, late summer is a time of great harvest, the time when we experience the bountiful gifts...
A few tips for getting “unstuck”
When things are difficult and we’ve done everything we can, it’s good to get out of our own way. Otherwise our mind can stay stuck in the pattern of the problem. And that is not helpful. Once you can get out of your own way and employ a few simple tips, a situation can be transformed before your very eyes.
Emotional wellness and your inner voice
Today on Self-care Saturday, I'd like to talk about our inner voice. We know there are myths, prophets and seers who have heard inner voices. But that's not what I'm going to talk about. It's more personal than that. This is about the voice that we hear constantly...
Healing and our basic needs
During college I was fortunate to take several Psychology classes and I very much enjoyed them. Among my favorite subjects were the humanist psychologists. They embodied a lot of what I thought and felt. It was like learning something which made so much sense to me I could barely believe it was “a thing.”
Plant Spirit Medicine Healing and your Heart
Plant Spirit Medicine as a healing modality has much to do with Traditional Five Element Chinese Medicine. It also has much to do with shamanism. In the Five Element Chinese Medicine view we talk about the seasons and the five elements.
The wonders and healing power of plants
When we feel lonely, stressed or anxious we need to reach out to plants, to be around them. Gardening is therapeutic and beautifying but beyond that, contact with plants begins to help us heal. Working with plants and being around them helps us remember who we are, what is important in our life and to regain perspective.
ode to being female
I love being female. Okay, so a few times in my life when witnessing how linear, direct and seemingly easy things (and promotions) were for men, I may have said I wished to be a guy … for a day! But as I have matured I am actually in awe of the great gift and blessing that it is to be female.
want to improve your health and wellbeing? Dream big!
When we dream big, we are exercising our ability to wish, to connect with the longings in our heart. But we are also doing something else that is very powerful and beautiful: we are listening to the messages from the universe letting us know that we have the ability to make that dream a reality.
how nature and plants help us heal
Airports can be places devoid of the healing touch of Nature. On a recent trip, this became very clear as I went to pick up my luggage at the airport terminal. While the atmosphere of the airport was harsh, brash and uninviting, I knew I would soon be basking in the...
9 ways to care for our spiritual heart
To me, this is a day of love and friendship. It isn’t just for that special someone in our lives, but rather a celebration of the heart, of love, of that heart which is bigger than our physical heart, the heart that animates and blesses and steers the entire world.
finding your purpose Most of my life I have been kind of obsessed with finding my life purpose. Even though I was doing what I needed to do to learn, grow, work hard and make a contribution, the question of purpose was always in back of my mind. I don't think...
honoring your own pace
This video was inspired by the the first 5K race I ran. In it I discuss my observations about running, pacing yourself, and the importance of paying attention to our energy levels every day.
cultivating your garden
Gardens can be spiritual endeavors and they do contribute to our wellness. Here I share memories of traveling to flower shows while growing up in Puerto Rico, planting a garden with my mom and a discussion of the healing aspects of gardening. Also, a discussion of...
Understanding The one song: The Uni-Verse
say it now; do it now
When someone we care for dies, we do a review of the relationship. Do we feel regret? Why did we not say or do something, why did we not make more time for them?
Can we ever truly be independent? Is nature?
Was it just me, or do all teenagers want independence? When I was a teenager and even as a young adult I had a bit of a tough relationship with the idea of independence. I wanted independence! I wanted to be able to make my own place in the world, fight my own...
Honoring Our Ancestors
I do like Halloween, even more now because of my young nephew. He loves costumes and movies and his innocent fascination makes us even more aware of the magic of the season. But more than costumes and trick or treaters, for me this time of year is about remembering and paying my respects to my ancestors.
The Grass Sometimes Seems Greener
Sometimes we think others are lots better off than we are and we’re tempted to get down about ourselves or to change what we are doing. Instead of thinking the grass is greener elsewhere and escaping our own situation, we can look at what the dissatisfaction is telling us about what we want in our life. What if we decide to begin to change from within and watch our ideal life begin to take shape before our eyes?
To the Earth we shall return
When we work as Plant Spirit Medicine healers, and we begin to listen deeply to the wisdom of Nature in order to help others heal, we can over time begin to receive gifts and blessings in the form of realizations.