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Category: Wellness

New year, new awareness

The Lunar New Year is a time of renewal, a chance to reflect on the past year and set intentions for the new one. This time is an opportunity to choose to more fully to nurture your own well-being and deepen your connection with the natural world.

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A few tips for getting “unstuck”

When things are difficult and we’ve done everything we can, it’s good to get out of our own way. Otherwise our mind can stay stuck in the pattern of the problem. And that is not helpful. Once you can get out of your own way and employ a few simple tips, a situation can be transformed before your very eyes.

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Healing and our basic needs

During college I was fortunate to take several Psychology classes and I very  much enjoyed them. Among my favorite subjects were the humanist psychologists. They embodied a lot of what I thought and felt. It was like learning something which made so much sense to me I could barely believe it was “a thing.”

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The wonders and healing power of plants

When we feel lonely, stressed or anxious we need to reach out to plants, to be around them. Gardening is therapeutic and beautifying but beyond that, contact with plants begins to help us heal. Working with plants and being around them helps us remember who we are, what is important in our life and to regain perspective.

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want to improve your health and wellbeing? Dream big!

When we dream big, we are exercising our ability to wish, to connect with the longings in our heart. But we are also doing something else that is very powerful and beautiful: we are listening to the messages from the universe letting us know that we have the ability to make that dream a reality.

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