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Author: Adrilia

Plant Spirit Medicine Healing and Compassion

Shortly after I opened my Plant Spirit Medicine practice I realized that I was seeing my clients in a very unique way. They were dazzling to me. Radiant — in their spirit, in their endeavors, in their awesome humanity. Slowly but surely I began to realize that this must be how the plant spirits in fact “see” us.

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Plant Spirit Medicine and Opening Our Hearts

I was describing to my husband how the stems of roses tend to prefer being cut short when you place the flowers on a vase. He wondered about that, because after all long-stemmed roses have a reputation for being best. As we spoke, I heard the guidance of the Rose Spirit, “Just as rose medicine is wonderful for healing people’s hearts, the rose’s stem itself has the ability to heal immediately after a cut has been made.”

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2012. How Do We Support and Heal Ourselves As We Transform?

We feel everything accelerating around us. 2012 is off to a very rapid start. We feel the pull of our daily routines, work and obligations, along with the thirst of our soul and the call in our hearts to find and get busy accomplishing our life purpose. And, while in the past we may have handled these issues alone, now the rules have changed. Now it seems the only way to be effective is by involving others, asking for help. Real progress today takes a village, a community and real support. How do we support ourselves in the middle of these changes and as we transform?

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